Jennifer SOler
International Relations and Political Science
I had the opportunity to join the Bandhwari Women’s project, a social corporate responsibility project, spearheaded by my organization the International Business Honor Society. We work with an NGO in India called the Incentive Foundation aimed at benefiting the women of a small village in Bandhwari, India (pictured in right). My team and I develop product prototypes that we teach the women in the village of Bandhwari, India. Some of these products include handbags, makeup bags, and headbands. We then bring the products to the United States to sell these products at tablings on campus and events in our local community. All the profit that we raise goes back to the village. These women make approximately $17 a month, according to our findings, so the project is a small step to making self-sustainable. I had the chance to travel to the village and see for myself how much we were impacting the women and children through the efforts we made. We noticed that the year before I went, the women only had one sewing machine. This time they had two sewing machines, which made the process of creating the products more efficient. The making of these products, to some of the women is like a safe haven. They go there to unwind from their hectic lives and pressure from society. During that week, we not only focus on the Women's Center but we teach the children in the village. We teach them simple math and English. It is not much but the children are so invested into the little time that we are there that it just warms my heart. I had the opportunity to take on the position of Fundraising Director for the project. Through bake sales, conferences and planning events in our local community, we were able to raise funds for these women. You can see how just selling one cupcake, can have an impact on the village.